Middle East

  • Birds of the Borderlands :  Jordan Bryon’s look at gender and sexual identity in the Middle East

    Birds of the Borderlands : Jordan Bryon’s look at gender and sexual identity in the Middle East

      When the camera starts rolling on Birds of the Borderlands it is initially hard to work out if Australian genderqueer filmmaker /activist Jordan Bryon is foolhardy or brave or equally part of both.  Bryon who prefers to use they, them, their pronouns on a whim took it upon themself to up and move to…

  • Bethlehem


    This tense taut thriller is about yet another deadly incident in the ongoing struggle in the Middle East and was  written by a former Israeli Secret Agent and a Palestinian journalist.  Yet despite its bipartisan credentials the overwhelming feeling that you come away after watching ‘Bethlehem’ is that the world is split into different camps…


    I am convinced that I will never ever be able to get a total grip on the complex realities of the continuing tribulations with Israel and the Occupying territories as much as I try.   And try I do … and typically with me my chosen method is through the medium of film, and so  seized…