John Lewis

  • Why do positive queer images in the media still get the self-righteous right up in arms?

    Why do positive queer images in the media still get the self-righteous right up in arms?

      Queerguru actually loves the fact that anytime our community is shown in such a positive light the ‘angry right’ trip over themselves to condemn it.   On this occasion it’s not an advertisement, as usual, that is the target for their ire, but Twix’s sponsorship of a Halloween-themed episode of Hulu’s “Bite Size Halloween” series …

  • Brits Go Sentimental over Christmas

    Christmas is still THE biggest holiday of the year for Brits and the one time that the purse strings are well and truly loosened. To make sure this happens the big Stores spend millions (in John Lewis’s case exactly £7 million) on spectacular Television adverts to pull at everyone’s heart strings. Sainsburys have just released…