
  • The Gym can be a real Drag

    The Gym can be a real Drag

      Drag Queens and Gyms are not usually something you see in the same sentence but the people at Dragged Around London want to change all that .  They have hired Jordan McInerny Wolf Fitness Personal Trainer and while he does his best to make you sweat a bevy of drag queens will endeavour to keep…

  • Is your workout buddy this much fun (and as hot)?

    Is your workout buddy this much fun (and as hot)?

      Jason Powell and Oleg Forse are both very funny and hot as hell too. This comedy duo from Oregon are also workout buddies and they make their gym routine look like a real blast. You can troll them (we meant to follow them …oops)  on Facebook @OlehandJay, and on Instagram @theolegforse and   @itsjasonpowell