Queerguru’s Janet Prolman reviews ‘IT’S ONLY LIFE AFTER ALL’ : Why the Indigo Girls Matter
It’s Only Life After All”: Why the Indigo Girls Matter Like any music-loving dyke of a certain age, I have some history with the Indigo Girls. When I lived in Durham, North Carolina, back in the 80s, they would come from Georgia a few times a year to play at Halby’s, a local delicatessen!…
Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews INVISIBLE BEAUTY a masterclass in how to be an activist and effect change.
Invisible Beauty profiles the fabulous life of legendary black activist, model and model agent, Bethann Hardison. Premiering at 2023’s Sundance Film Festival this excellent documentary is a masterclass in how to be an activist and effect change. Written and directed by Hardison and Frederic Tcheng, and produced by Lisa Cortes, Invisible Beauty contains generous…
Queerguru’s Ris Fatah reviews ‘White Balls on Walls ‘ : will art ever break away from being dominated by the rich white patriarchy?
White Balls In Walls is an interesting documentary about diversity, revealing how one institution, the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, reconsiders its cultural offering to properly reflect the city’s demographics in terms of race and gender. Whilst this film is about a museum, the processes involved regarding the improvement of diversity can be applied to…
Queerguru talks with Agniia Gladanova & Igor Myakotin about their new documentary QUEENDOM
Agniia Gladanova & Igor Myakotin talk to Queerguru about their new documentary QUEENDOM which is the story of Gena, a queer artist from a small town in Russia, stages radical performances in public that become a new form of art and activism – and put her life in danger. The interview with Roger Walker-Dack…