
  • HOLY LANDS : When Harry Met Piggy

    HOLY LANDS : When Harry Met Piggy

      If it wasn’t for the cast full of very well-known and celebrated actors, one could easily have mistaken that this sentimental melodrama was a Lifetime TV movie.  Written and directed by French filmmaker Amanda Sthers and adapted from her own novel,  its the preposterous story or retired Jewish American Cardiologist Harry Rosenmerck (James Caan)…

  • Aussie comic CHRIS LILLEY really is a LUNATIC

    Aussie comic CHRIS LILLEY really is a LUNATIC

      If you love really bizarre comedy but have never heard of Chris Lilley yet, then thanks to his new TV series that debuts on Netflix on April 19th, then that is all about to change.  The Australian comedian/writer and award-winning actor is a very big star Down Under for a whole series of rather…

  • Booksmart : the lesbian high school comedy that everyone is talking about

    Booksmart : the lesbian high school comedy that everyone is talking about

      One of the most successful premieres at SXSW Film Festival this year was a lesbian high school comedy that has been the subject of an enormous amount of buzz.  This is the story of lesbian Amy (Kaitlyn Dever) who has spent the whole of her last year studying like mad to get straight ‘A’s. …

  • Getting the last laugh out of gay porn

    Getting the last laugh out of gay porn

      Charlie David’s silly and hilarious TV show POP PORN is back for a second season.  It has a very simple format that probably many of you play by yourself at home i.e. laughing at some of that absurdities that litter gay porn.  Whether it be the awkward clunky dialogue, the bedrooms from hell, the…