Tucked : Drag Queens’s Bucket List is short and very sweet
If you only had 6 weeks to live, what would you do? If you don’t know, aren’t sure, or aren’t ready, this charmer is a terrific place to start. Jack or Jackie (Derren Nesbitt) is a 75 year old pub drag queen of the most traditional foul mouthed and boozie kind. Married for 54 years his wife’s death came…
Mankind : escaping to a new (gay) life on Mars
A sci-fi queer film is at best a rarity. Maybe filmmakers still think that there are enough earthly issues that the LGBTQ community are still connecting with before we take flight. Mankind, an immaculate and compelling short directed and co-written by Brit Layke Anderson, is about Will (Ricky Nixon) a restless young man who…
Red Joan: Judi Dench plays a spy in this rather leaden drama
The most traitorous act about this British spy story would be to admit that one didn’t like (Dame) July Dench’s performance as the octogenarian widow suddenly arrested by the Authorities for what she got up to at University in the 1940’s. The hesitation is not a reflection of her in anyway, but in the…
Tell It To The Bees : The magic of honey and horror
True Story: After waxing lyrical about this lovely film for ten minutes to a confused and concerned looking friend it turns out that ’ Tell it to the Bees’ pronounced in an English accent to an American ear sounds like Teletubbies. Once you are over that you are confronted by a love story that…