
  • From the archives of Bob Mizer’s famed PHYSIQUE PICTORIAL

    From the archives of Bob Mizer’s famed PHYSIQUE PICTORIAL

      Photographer BOB MIZER’s Physique Pictorial may have been founded in 1945  but the atheistic in his stunning images of American photography are just as relevant today.  His studio in Pico-Union was known as the Athletic Model Guild (AMG) and that was where he made erotic photographs of muscular men and bodybuilders.      …

  • A Skin So Soft ….. on men so hard

    A Skin So Soft ….. on men so hard

      There is something uncomfortably riveting about French/Canadian filmmaker Denis Côté documentary that really brings out the voyeur in you.  In this almost silent look at half a dozen bodybuilders he invites us to observe their complete obsession with their bodies which dominates their lives complete. Each gram of food is weighed meticulously, every daily…