Gay and Christian ? Choose your religion with care …
I’m not sure how elated we gay non-Catholics are meant to be with the latest news from the Vatican. Pope Francis has approved some Catholic blessings for same-sex couples, so long as they do not appear to endorse their marriage, The Vatican has stressed that marriage remains exclusively between a man and a…
ReCollecting The Irish Family with stories of LGBTQ+ familes that sit outside of what society perceives as ‘traditional’
RIFNET (Reconstituting the Irish Family Network) is a team of academic researchers, and museum and heritage professionals interested in retelling the story of the Irish family. They aim to champion stories of Irish families that sit outside of what society perceives as the ‘traditional’ form. they recognize that the Irish family is (and has…
Pantomime Dames a peculiar quintessential English tradition that should never be confused with Drag Queens
Many quintessential English traditions are hard to describe to non-Brits ….. one of them being pantomime dames whose origins go way back beyond Ru Paul being a twinkle in his parent’s eyes. Panto(mime) comes from Music Halls and variety, commedia dell’arte, and the Regency era of clowning, led by the great Joseph Grimaldi. In…
Queer Footprints : A Guide to Uncovering London’s Fierce History
When it comes to London, we are the first to admit that we are very biased in our opinion that it is one of the very best gay cities in the world. The real joy of the UK”s capital city for the queer community is that it offers a combination of a wealth of history…