
From Queerguru archives : A MATTER OF SIZE a 2009 Israeli ‘coming out movie’ of a different kind

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  Herzi (Itzik Cohen) is a very likable obese man, living in a small town in Israel, who gets mad when he is thrown out of his Dieting Club by its skinny tyrannical leader who calls him a whale cos he is actually putting on weight.  To make matters worse,  he then gets fired from … Continue reading

Before Your Eyes

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Life is tough enough for 10 year-old Gülîstan and Firat her younger brother and their baby sister living with their family in a small apartment in Diyarbakir in the heart of Turkish Kurdistan amidst the uncertainty of the political unrest in the region. But then when her mother and her father, a celebrated journalist, are assassinated by … Continue reading

David’s Birthday

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Two middle-aged married couples are sharing the same villa on the Italian Riviera as they have done every summer for some years now. Psychologist Matteo is happily married to his wife Francesca and they have an eight year old daughter, whereas Diego and his wife Shary have separated and re-united so many times, that everyone, including … Continue reading

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