
Queerguru’s José Mayorga reviews newly restored THE WOUNDED MAN  (L´homme blessé) the 1983 film by Patrice Chéreau

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  Henri  (Jean-Hugues Anglade) is a  young man from a working family of four in an unnamed French city,  his sister is going to Paris and they all go to the train station to say goodbye.  The train station is also a house of glances where men search for action, a cruising place where a … Continue reading


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This highly stylised melodrama reverently covers an elegant period in Japanese society in the late 1930’s when wealthy m erchants families revelled in all the steeped traditions of courtship and marriage.  With both parents dead Tsuruko the eldest Makioka sister is the head of the family and as she and Satchiko (the second eldest) are already … Continue reading

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