Say Yes : for a different life after death


Writer/director Stewart Wade’s (Coffee Date) story of a bisexual triangle makes for an entertaining view even though it does expect us to stretch our imagination a little too far at times.

Beau (Patrick Zeller) and  Lily (Leah McKendrick)  seem the perfect picture-book young married couple.  That is until one day Beau comes home from work one day to find a distraught Lily who has just been diagnosed with cancer by her doctor.  They both decide there and then  that Lily should fight the disease aggressively as they could, but despite all the treatments, her condition got  much worse.

Lily’s twin brother Caden (Matt Pascua) who is extremely close to her moves in with the couple to both help look after her and be supportive to Beau too.  Watching her husband and her brother bond even closer, Lily gets the idea that maybe once she has gone, then maybe the two men can live together.  And not just as good friends.

Sensing that her time is now very limited, she  braces herself to suggest this to both her husband and her brother separately, and although their immediate reactions were of shock, neither of them totally dismissed  the idea.

It’s a touching story that is hard not to like, but as anyone whose partner has died prematurely it is impossible to accept that an grieving widower could ever make any life changing decision so very soon after their loss.

Nevertheless compelling performances from the very likable cast still makes this unusual bisexual drama worth watching.

N.B. Say Yes is now screening on Amazon Prime.





