
Reel in the Closet: from the days when being gay was illegal

Stu Maddux is a very determined gay activist and filmmaker whose passionate obsession with LGBT history has resulted in three excellent documentaries that deal with different aspects of gay communities in the past. This latest one ‘Reel in the Closet’ is a feature length movie that is comprised of a wealth of unseen footage  of … Continue reading

Reeling Queer Film Fest Part 2 : QUEERGURU”S Pick of the Best

  Already 5 days into Reeling: The Chicago LGBTQ+ International Film Festival we are taking a look at what it still to come for this 2nd weekend. As there always in this the second longest-running film festival of its kind, there is a whole range of  queer cinematic treats : from award-winning international feature films … Continue reading

Regarding Susan Sontag

The writer/philosopher/political activist/filmmaker Susan Sontag gained both a reputation and a notoriety for her controversial work very early on in her career which stuck with her until her untimely death just aged 71. This new HBO documentary by Nancy Kates seems to deliberately set out to be a tribute to someone the director is clearly … Continue reading

Regular Guys aka Echte Kerle

Christoph is having a very bad day, and little does he know, but its only going to get worse.  This German cop comes home from work unexpectedly to find his fiance making out with a bigger buffer guy and she tells Christoph that she has finished with him and throws him and his worldly possessions … Continue reading


From the team that bought us ‘Shank’ the first winner of the Roger Walker-Dack Award for Emerging Artists in Queer Cinema comes this gritty prison drama about Jack, a convicted Priest,  who all the other inmates round on because they wrongly assume he’s a pedophile.  Already deserted by the Church and now totally alone he has to … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:12


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