
Queerguru’s TOP PICKS OF MUST SEE MOVIES at SEATTLE Queer Film Fest.

  This week we see the opening of the 28th Edition of SEATTLE QUEER FILM FESTIVAL with the theme QUEER JOY IS CINEMATIC with screenings and events exploring what ‘queer joy’ means to members of the LGBTQ+ community. As we have come to expect from this Fest, the diverse slate of queer cinema hails from … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews Susanne Bartsch : On Top

  It is not easy to describe the Swiss-born Susanne Bartsch, the New York party promoter and self-styled ‘;‘, but at the beginning of this fascinating new documentary on her, a young RuPaul proffers the simple explanation that she just took over where Andy Warhol left off.  By the end of the 86 mins of … Continue reading

Queerguru’s pick of MUST SEE FILMS @ Palm Springs LGBTQ Film Fest

Palm Springs with its growing LGBTQ community is often called the Ptown of the West.  In fact, it shares many of the snowbirds who flit between the two coasts when the weather starts to change.  Both towns also have excellent film Festivals, although the Palm Springs Edition is totally LGBTQ.   Held at Cinema Diverse … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews’ James Franco’s THE BROKEN TOWER

This is an obscure and difficult-to-watch movie about an obscure and difficult-to-read poet.  It’s the brief life of Hart Crane a poet and writer well-regarded by his peers but who was one very unhappy homosexual who took his own life in 1932 when he was a mere 33 years old.   In his short career … Continue reading

Queerguru reviews Quentin Lee’s ‘THE PEOPLE I HAVE SLEPT WITH”

Angela ( Karin Anna Cheung ) loves sex.  So much so she is proud to call herself a slut, which she claims is simply a woman with the morals of a man. She’s having the time of her life until she wakes up one morning and finds herself pregnant and really not sure who the daddy is. … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  01:12


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