Wednesday, July 13th, 2022

Queerguru’s Richard Gilles reviews WE (NOUS) another innovative film by Alice Diop


Alice Diop films the suburb where she grew up and still lives, crossed by a suburban train line, the common thread of her 4th documentary, Us. This unifying title sums up the ethics of the film director for whom the stories of immigrants who freshly arrived in France, and the identity of the host country do not contradict each other but are actually beneficial for the nation as a whole.

From stag-hunting in the middle of a forest to teenagers chatting in a council estate, while filming her own family from Senegal or the commemorative mass for Louis XVI’s death in Saint-Denis basilica, Alice Diop paints the portrait of a multiple France where contradictions and incommunicability can be overcome.

At a time when immigration is presented in the French media as the new Evil and the rise of the extreme right-wing in France, Alice’s film, thanks to its innovative storytelling, is surprisingly refreshing.


PS, WE is streaming on MUBI



Review: Richard Gilles (Paris) is slightly past his prime, but still vivacious true Parisian spirit. He has worked as a 
journalist in the spheres of the arts and luxury for the last few decades and is now the happy correspondent for 
QueerGuru in the City of Lights.

Posted by queerguru  at  22:49


Genres:  documentary, international

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