This rather appealing romantic comedy follows the lives of three gay metrosexual couples in London. Harry hates being a TV producer and dreams of leaving his job to travel the world. He loves Alex, an aspiring actor who is struggling to create an identity for himself as a performer. Rugby player William’s nine-year-old daughter is intent on sabotaging his relationships with new boyfriends, and he’s finding it difficult to let Lawrence, the soap star, into his life. Lars is a handsome sometime-model kept by Tom, a successful artist, who will excuse his every betrayal so long as Lars doesn’t leave him.
I will confess that for the first few minutes I was ready to dismiss this as a shallow film about shallow people, but I was proved wrong. It’s a very lighthearted look at the kind of obstacles and neuroses that many gay men incur today. Subtle, funny, an ambivalent look at Brit gay men in very contemporary London.
Weird thing to say ….. but although this is about gay men, it’s a movie that my straight friends would not only relate too but thoroughly enjoy as well.
A real treat of a movie by brother and sister filmmakers David & Jacqui Morris with an energetic and good-looking talented cast, its is all very easy on the eye and will warm most romantic souls (and aren’t we all at heart?). Oh, and did I say, it has happy (and unexpected) endings for all.