Tuesday, May 6th, 2014

Lady Peacock

A group of 20 year gay men are out clubbing one night when one of them, Conner, espies newbie Devin across the dance floor and promptly decides that he is the new object of his affections. Devin, who still has more than one foot firmly in the closet and is clutching on tightly to his virginity, is not quite as smitten. They do however wake up in bed together the next morning but Devin is fully clothed and still in tact.
The following night and back in the same Club this time Devin, who is sweet but hardly a stunner, now has a new admirer.  This time it is Adora a Puerto Rican drag queen who takes a shine to the new kid on the block and is far less hesitant than Conner in his pursuit. Adora has never been Conner’s favorite person, and now after this little upset, the two become bitter rivals.
The battle for Devin’s hand (and hopefully much more) is to be settled with a ‘Drag Off’ at the Club, but when Conner is indisposed after being gay-bashed, Devin takes his place to make sure Conner wins.
There is a side plot to this boy-lit trite story with Michael another of Conner’s pals pursuing the Club’s old owner for a few free drinks and a nice dinner but stopping before he breaks the man’s gay marriage up.
Billed as a romantic comedy this very small micro-budget movie is neither.  Painfully unfunny and with such poor mis-casting that none of the boys have any chemistry together so there is not even a hint of anything approaching a convincing romance. Sadly it is not as though the drag performances could save the day, as these were woefully lame.
Whilst I appreciate the energy that goes into making small gay-themed movies such as this, its such a pity that it was so-misplaced that the result is such a big disappointment.
Available from Amazon

Posted by queerguru  at  16:16


Genres:  rom-com

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