
Queerguru’s Jose Mayorgas reviews ALL THE SILENCE a touching story about trying to live without sound

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        Miriam  is the daughter of hearing impaired parents,  a sign language  teacher daytime and by night,  an  actress rehearsing as  Arkadina in  Anton Chejov´s The Seagull.  She lives in Mexico City, shares home and is in love with Lola. The film is an Intimate and powerful drama directed by Diego del … Continue reading

Queerguru’s Jose Mayorgas reviews “The True Story of Tamara de Lempicka & The Art of Survival”

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  THERE ARE NO MIRACLES, THERE IS ONLY WHAT YOU MAKE Tamara de Lempicka Director Julie Rubio drives us in a green Bugatti while providing a chronologically  accurate portrait of a  XX Century female artist looking for the future, an outstanding woman in the broad sense of the word. Through vintage family films, vintage and … Continue reading

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