
Ladies In Black : putting color into Sydney in the 1950’s

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  Veteran Australian filmmaker Bruce Beresford (Driving Miss Daisy) has evidently taken some 25 years to adapt the the bestselling novel by Madeleine St John to the screen.  The result is a decidedly old-fashioned comedy drama that highlights the gentle world of Sydney in 1959 with just a hint of a message about the settlement … Continue reading

Lady Bird

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Lady Bird thankfully is nothing to do with the wife of the 39th President of the United States, but is the self-given name of a feisty 17 year Sacramento girl who is finishing her final year in High School.  The year is 2002 and Lady Bird (Saoirse Ronan) is constantly being reminded of how grateful … Continue reading

Let Yourself Go

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This is one of those old-fashioned screwball comedies that Hollywood may have given up on, but seemingly is still a film genre that has a place in Italian cinema This is the tale of a 60-ish-year-old Jewish psychoanalyst  Elio (Toni Servillo) who is so bored with most of his patients that he is quietly tucking into pastries … Continue reading

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