

rants and raves of the best & worst of queer cinema

It’s All So Quiet

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  From the 2013 Berlin Film Festival comes this overwhelmingly sad tale of a closeted gay Dutch farmer whose intensely private and repressed life seems to be heading towards either the point of no-return or a major turning point.  Helmer is 55 years old and when he is not attending to the few cattle and sheep … Continue reading

Rent Boys

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For well over the past four decades Berlin’s Zoo Railway Station has been the main stomping ground for the city’s rent boys. Using archive footage from 1965 this fascinating documentary from gay activist filmaker Rosa Van Praunheim paints the scene there as it has evolved until the present day.  It is a desperately sad tale of … Continue reading

Out In The Silence

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When Joe Wilson married his husband Dean Hammer in Washington DC he put an wedding announcement in the local newspaper of Oil City Pennsylvania, his small home town, which was met with such an outpouring of vitriol and hate. However amongst all the abuse also came a cry for help in the form of a … Continue reading

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