Workout Buddies : a cute bro-love story
From 2012 comes this cute bro-love story that will warm the hearts of anyone on this bitterly cold day. Directed by Bubba Fish from a story he wrote wth Michael Steves this absolutely charming short film that shows you why boys have more fun working out without any girls to get in the way. Since…
Shirtless & Freeballing to Dreamgirls : the perfect Saturday Morning video
Play Jennifer Hudson singing her Dreamgirl’s big number ‘And I’m Telling You’, give Griff Twombley-King a Spray Can of Cream for substitute microphone and a couple of cupcakes for props, and you have the perfect Saturday ‘No Work To Day’ Video. The shirtless Mr T-K adds an extra frisson by going commando so he can literally…
Trump Fires HIV/AIDS Council In Its Entirety
President Donald Trump fired the remaining members of the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA) Wednesday, reportedly informing them without explanation with a letter delivered by FedEx. The mass dismissal of the advisors marked another nadir in the administration’s dealing with the council. In June six members resigned from PACHA writing in an open letter,…