Boxing Day Beauties


Today the first day after Christmas is universally known in the UK, and countries like Australia that were once part of the British Empire, as BOXING DAY.  Yet very few people actually know why.  

Wikipedia explains that it started in the 1830’s observed as a holiday on which post-men, errand-boys, and servants of various kinds expect to receive a Christmas-box.  Hmmmm.  We sort of prefer our idea that people so hated their Christmas gifts and being forced to spend time with relatives that they send the rest of the year avoiding, that  they actually started boxing each other.

For 15 years, Piero Pompili photographed with passion the world of boxing, which he frequented in Rome and Naples, in the gyms of the borgata, and in the catacombs where even the ancient gladiators prepared for their fights. 

So we thought that the best way to mark Boxing Day is to celebrate Pompili’s stunning book GLADIATORI MODERNI which is a homage to the epic heroes who fought not just today, but every day in the city.












Gladiatori Moderni
by Piero Pompili 


Published by Bruno Gmuender

Available @Amazon  $58.60


