It feels like life has turned upside down when you are watching yet another smooth Wall Street operator perpetuate a multi-million fraud to save his own bacon, yet somehow even as he digs in deeper, you actually want him to get away with it. Robert Miller, the suave debonair banker in this instance, is also cheating on his … Continue reading
L.A. is having one its hottest summers ever when Troy lands back in town. He’s being living in Spain for the past four years but now he thinks he wants to find a job and a new apartment and move back home. It all depends on Jonathan his younger boyfriend who he dumped without warning … Continue reading
Being plucked from the lowly ranks of the Corps de Ballet to be thrust into the forefront and ask to choreograph a new ballet for the prestigious New York City Ballet is the stuff that dreams are made of. For 25 year old dancer Justin Peck this dream actually became a reality, and filmmaker Jody Lee … Continue reading
I’ve been dancing my socks off this month cinematically speaking. First the subliminal PINA (and I am still doing the ‘4 Seasons’ dance in my head), then DANCEMAKER the documentary on one of the world’s greats contemporary choreographers PAUL TAYLOR. Followed a frenetic look at the manic craziness of kiddies competing in the World Irish Dancing Championships in JIG, and … Continue reading
After the USSR fell apart, the Soviets could no longer prop up the fragile economy in Cuba and in August 1994 after a group of dissidents failed to hijack a Ferry in Havana there were unprecedented near riots in the City. Castro addressed the unruly mob and to quell their anger he announced that the … Continue reading