
    Their Finest

    This rather charming romantic comedy set in London in Blitz in the 1940’s is essentially a tale of an accidental feminist who single-handedly saved the British film industry and boosted the flagging morale of the war-torn country’s population. It is one of those old-fashioned feel-good wartime movies which the British always used to excel at where … Continue reading

    This Changes Everything

      We guess for Hollywood insiders Tom Donahue incisive documentary on gender inequality in the movie business is hardly big news, but for those of us outside of the circle his ‘investigation’ highlights issues that we rarely think about.  Interestingly enough Donahue started the project before the formation of the whole #MeToo movement which is … Continue reading

    Three Identical Strangers

    Most Americans old enough to remember the 1980’s will be familiar with the story of the triplets separated at birth and adopted by different families who then by sheer fluke found each other when they were 19 years old.  However, most of the media coverage at that time and the endless round of TV Chat Shows that … Continue reading

    Tiny Shoulders, Rethinking Barbie

      For all of its 59 years of life Barbie, the worlds’ most famous doll, has always been a controversial figure. When she was ‘born’ in 1959 Barbie was the first ever doll shaped as a woman, with breasts even,  as up to this point in time children’s dolls had only been babies.  Scorned by the male Buyers … Continue reading

    Toni Erdmann

    Winfried Conradi (Peter Simonischek) loves to clown around much to the annoyance of everyone including his ex-wife, and even the postman.  This suburban German ex-schoolteacher now semi-retired with just a few reluctant pupils learning piano left, his life revolves around his  elderly dog and his equally old mother who lives next door.  When both of … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru


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