

‘How one man changed the world with a pair of scissors’ is the byline to this documentary and possibly a tad of an exaggeration, but he certainly made a remarkable and indelible impact on hairdressing … like no one before him, and possible not since. Vidal Sassoon never wanted to be a hairdresser but his … Continue reading


Violetta Parra a one-woman Chilean renaissance movement was an enigma.  This multifaceted unique genius was deeply passionate about her art as she was about her love/s and without both of them she was a sad lonely soul. This remarkable feature film based on her son Angel’s account of her extraordinary life shows how this obsessed … Continue reading


This is one crazy film about a very crazy woman and her oddball life.  Virginia is a functional paranoid schizophrenic who choses not to take any medication but whose life is spiraling out of control as is this movie that tells her story.  Virginia is an exasperating woman in her mid 30’s living in a … Continue reading


Vito Russo was an extraordinary man.  A discerning cineaste and movie historian, an avid gay activist and a leading Aids activist : my kind of hero!   In filmmaker Jeffery Schwarz’s  awe-inspiring new documentary on Russo’s action-packed short life we can see the full extent of this remarkable man’s leadership and involvement in gay rights, his … Continue reading


There is bleak, and then there is Armenia. It was that  first country to secede when the USSR broke up, and although it gained independence, rural Armenia kept its poverty.  In the south, the land is a blanket of slow each long harsh winter where the daily temperature hovers between -5 and -10C. The opening scene of … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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