

  This extraordinary tale from 1789 of the daughter of a West Indian Slave and an aristocrat British Navy Captain was so far fetched that it had to be true. Like something out of the pages of a Jane Austen novel, it is the tale of Sir John Lindsay taking charge of his illegitimate daughter after the sudden death … Continue reading


  I guess this new hip, slightly grubby, apocalyptic indie movie could be classified as ‘mumblecore* plus’ i.e. it’s a tad more professional (despite the minuscule budget) and more accessible than others in that genre.   It’s about two young men barely grown up who are best friends, good looking, immensely personable, very funny and quick-witted, and who are … Continue reading

Beloved aka Les Bien Aimes

Christophe Honore’s rather baffling epic-length drama covers the time span between the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia and the 9/11 attacks and against this background world-changing events the story is simply about two women who tried desperately to be loved. Young Madeleine discovers the way to pay for the expensive fancy shoes she coverts at the … Continue reading

Ben Platt stars in Broken Diamonds : a familial mental health drama

  Broken Diamonds is a new mental health drama that is the sophomore feature from director Peter Sattler, from a script by Steve Waverly.  Well done on every level, it will still make disturbing viewing to many whose lives have been touched by similar situations.  And even to those whose families have at some time … Continue reading

Benda Bilili

  In 2004 French filmmakers Renaud Barret and  Florent de la Tullaye were making a series of short films about music in The Congo when they stumbled across a street Band made up of 4 paraplegics.  These musicians were living in a squalid shelter for disabled people at the time, reliant on their make shift hand powered tricycles to … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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