
Before Your Eyes

Life is tough enough for 10 year-old Gülîstan and Firat her younger brother and their baby sister living with their family in a small apartment in Diyarbakir in the heart of Turkish Kurdistan amidst the uncertainty of the political unrest in the region. But then when her mother and her father, a celebrated journalist, are assassinated by … Continue reading

Begin Again

When I sat watching writer/director John Carney’s  latest movie that was hoping to follow on with the surprise success of his last hit, instead of being enthralled by the warbling tones of singer/songwriter Gretta on screen I just couldn’t get a certain Sondheim lyric out of my head. ‘Once, yes, once for a lark, Twice, though, … Continue reading


Father and son Hal and Oliver are beginners at relationships even at this late stage in their lives.  Hal is 75, newly widowed, and declares himself gay and determined to make the most of the time he has left.  Oliver on the other hand is 38, single, with a string of affairs in his past … Continue reading

Behind The Candelabra

Steven Soderburgh’s gloriously wonderful biopic would have horrified his subject Mr Showmanship …. if he had still been alive.  Liberace was the most flamboyantly outrageous camp superstar pianist ever, who in the 1950’s & 1960’s was the highest paid entertainer in the World, but who had unbelievably spent his entire life in the Closet.  He and … Continue reading

Being Elmo

  A look behind the man behind the puppet who is one of the most cherished characters watched by millions of kids every day on Sesame Street. This fascinating story is of how Kevin Clash went from awkward teenager growing up in dilapidated area of Baltimore and ended up as part of Jim Henson’s team … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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