

17 year old Charlene (who goes by Charlie) just cannot wait to get to school so that she can escape the constant bickering of her parents.  She may love her father but she doesn’t like the way her mother allows him to ride rough shod over her and be so indiscreet about his dalliances with … Continue reading


When it comes to choosing a movie, you should always trust your instincts. Especially when you’ve been trapped at home for couple of weeks nursing a fever and your desperate need for cheering yourself up colors your judgements. I thought with obtaining MovieReviewIntelligence highest rating of ‘excellent’ as a result of so many respected critics … Continue reading

Bright Days Ahead

64 year old Caroline has retired earlier from her dental practice than she had expected too after falling out with a colleague and she now finds herself at a loose end with too much spare time on her hands. She feels somewhat depressed and disorientated after the death of her best friend from breast cancer … Continue reading

Brighton Rock

It’s so hard to avoid not being more than a tad suspicious when some bright spark decides to remark a classic film noir, esp. when they turn out to be such insipid copies of the original.  Think the stunning ‘Plein Soliel’ turned into ‘The Talented Mr. Ripley’.  Remember? I rest my case!     So I was more … Continue reading

Broadway Idiot

In 2007 director Michael Mayer won his Tony Award for ‘Spring Awakening’ the exhilarating rock musical based on an obscure 19th German play that re-defined Broadway musicals for a new a generation.  It was a hard act to follow but Mayer had the inspired idea to develop a new Musical based on the punk group … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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