

Blond thirty-something year old Ingrid has lost her sight abruptly to an undiagnosed condition and now, depressed and unsettled, she just whiles away in the stark white high rise apartment in Oslo that she shares with Morton her architect husband. She refuses to ever venture outside at all and actually suspects that Morton actually sneaks back … Continue reading

Blinded By The Light: or how Bruce Springstein saved my LIfe.

  The brilliant filmmaker Gurinder Chadha , a British filmmaker of Indian descent, has over the past 25 years so succinctly captured the real essence of second generation of Asians who made the UK their home.  With them having feet in both extremely different cultures, Chadra’s narratives reflect the whole generational aspect of racial bigotry … Continue reading

Blood Brother

This is one of those real life stories that you come across now and again that re-affirm your faith in the goodness of (some) human beings. Rocky Braat’s story is especially moving and relates how one very ordinary and regular young American man, who is exceptionally unselfish and wonderfully generous, made a real difference to the … Continue reading

Blue Caprice

Writer/director Alexandre Moore takes on the impossible task of making a narrative that asserts to tell a rather tragic true story of some senseless needless violence without giving an emotional element to the perpetrators of the crime. The facts of the ‘Beltway Shootings’ by the ‘DC Snipers’   where John Muhammed and Lee Malvo went on … Continue reading

Blue Jasmine

When we first meet Park Avenue Socialite Jasmine French she’s flying First Class to San Francisco bedecked in her best Chanel pouring a Stolly martini down her throat and her life story to her bemused seat companion. She prattles on relentlessly with the story of how she first met her wonderful husband Hal and how … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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