
After The Wedding : life is never the same again

  American filmmaker Bart Freundlich’s remake of Danish director Susanne Bier’s Oscar-nominated 2006 film After the Wedding, doesn’t just gender-swap the leads but also provides a role as a powerful business women for his wife Julianne Moore. This however is a patchy melodrama that somehow ensures there is no real surprises in the plot twists … Continue reading

After Tiller

Dr George Tiller was gunned down in cold blood in front of his family whilst at a Sunday Service in a church in Wichita, Kansas in 2009.  The killer was a rabid anti-abortionist activist who wanted to stop Dr Tiller performing third-trimester abortions.  After he succeeded there were only four other Doctors left in the … Continue reading

Agnus Dei

It is 1945 in the depth of the Polish countryside in the heart of winter and a young novice nun surreptitiously escapes from her convent and makes tracks over the snow covered fields to the nearby town to seek out a doctor. She waylays three young children playing in the street and pleads with them, to … Continue reading

Al Wei Wei : Never Sorry

  I got totally swept away with this stunning uplifting movie about the genius who is the celebrated Chinese artist and political activist. Filmmaker Alison Klayman’s debut feature documentary chronicled his life for 3 years starting with his role as a Consultant to Herzog the architects as they constructed the ‘Birds Nest’ Olympic Stadium, and then he immediately infuriated the … Continue reading

Aida’s Secrets

  Most of the time when the Holocaust is being discussed the emphasis is on the millions of Jews who were part of the genocide, and less about the very lucky survivors. The immediate period following the cessation of the War when people were released from the Concentration Camps only to struggle with their new … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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