
A Year By The Sea

Joan Anderson’s best selling memoir A Year By The Sea about when she took herself off from her moribund marriage after she became an empty nester, has finally been adapted into a movie.  The story however is less about falling out of love with her rather whiny husband Robin (Michael Cristofer) (who would frankly test the … Continue reading

Abacus : Small Enough To Jail

The opening scenes of Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Steve James’s intriguing new film shows an affluent elderly Chinese/American couple watching James Stewart playing the heroic banker George Bailey in the classic movie It’s A Wonderful Life.  This evidently is the Sung’s favorite film and is what successful lawyer Thomas Sung claimed inspired him when in 1984 he … Continue reading

Absent aka Ausente

  16 year old Martin Blanco claims to have something in his eye, so Sebastian his High School Swimming Coach whisks him out of Class and takes him to the Eye Hospital Emergency Room. The doctors give him the all clear, so the teacher offers to drive him home. School is over for the day, … Continue reading

Absolute Wilson

As part of my continuing process of brushing up on American Cultural Icons I viewed Katherina Otto-Bernstein’s 2006 documentary on ROBERT WILSON, who is arguably the pre-eminent avant-garde theater director/artist in the world.  I shouldn’t have been quite so ignorant of Mr. Wilson as although he is American, most of his work has been in … Continue reading


Carter is a happy well-adjusted young man.  He owns a successful restaurant, has a nice apartment and a live-in girlfriend that he loves.  Life seemingly couldn’t get better until one day his younger brother announces that he is going to marry the girl he has been dating for just four months, and that is the … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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