
Anna Karenina

Even though this is the 25th time that Tolstoy’s classic novel has been brought to the screen, I think this is the first version that I have ever seen.  The latest rendition has been re-written by leading playwright Sir Tom Stoppard, and I gather it sticks closely to the original plot even though he’s squeezed it into 2 hours. (Thank … Continue reading


So evidently Francis Bacon was not the only who claimed that he was actually the one who  wrote all of Shakespeare’s’ plays, as now we have a rather preposterous claim that the real author was the Earl of Oxford.  The same man who according to this new movie, was also Queen Elizabeth’s son AND her … Continue reading

Another Happy Day

  I can only suppose that writer/director Sam Levinson (some of director Barry) chose the title for his debut feature movie with a real sense of irony. He does such a good job convincing us that the embittered family in thecentre of this drama has never had a single happy day, let alone another one!   Mr. Levinson … Continue reading

Another Year

Tom and Gerri have been together since they met at University and now, nearing retirement age, are that rare breed of being a truly happily married couple. In their idyllic life, which seems to revolve a lot around gardening together, their geniality makes them a magnet for some very unhappy people.  There is Ken an … Continue reading

Anton Checkhov’s The Duel

The protagonist in this small drama is Laversky, who allegedly is a high up civil servant but never seems to do a stroke of work and  whiles his days away just gambling a moment and drinking.  He’s shacked up with his rather beautiful mistress in a seaside resort but the she gets word that her husband … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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