Monday, May 20th, 2024

Beyond the Surface: Exploring Today’s Beauty Standards.: by Queerguru’s Peter Minkoff



The view of beauty in current society has changed much over the years, showing shifts in societal rules, cultural influences, and technological progress. Here we explore five understandings that illuminate how beauty is seen and appreciated today.

Fashion as a Form of Self-Expression

Fashion is very important for forming a person’s identity and way of expressing themselves. The choices in clothes, from what’s seen on the runway to street style, provide a stage where people can show their personal preferences and innovation. Fashion allows individuals to express themselves with different styles like strong colors, old-fashioned items, or cutting-edge designs. All these things help create an expression of each person’s special character and viewpoint through what they wear. Additionally, social media’s role in democratizing fashion has allowed individuals to try out different styles and develop their unique sense of aesthetics.

Physical Activity and the Pursuit of Summer Bodies

When summer is near, people start fitness trips to find the ideal “summer body.” They do outdoor workouts or go to the gym. This shows that physical activity becomes an important thing for those who want a body shape that is sculpted and toned. But it’s very important to note that the idea of having a “perfect” beach body can be different for everyone and also encourage damaging views on how bodies should look. It would be better to concentrate on encouraging health and wellness in general, no matter the size or shape. Participating in consistent exercise can enhance the fitness of the body along with mental well-being and acceptance of physical appearance.

The Rise of Lash Extensions

Lash extensions have become very popular in recent years, and many people choose this cosmetic improvement to get full and fluttering lashes. Eyelash extensions are an easy way for anyone who wants a more natural beauty look without needing to put on mascara every day. However, it’s crucial to maintain lash health with the best eyelash shampoo, as neglecting proper care can lead to issues such as irritation and lash loss. Despite this, the allure of long, luscious lashes continues to captivate beauty enthusiasts worldwide.

The Role of Skincare in Beauty

In the perception of beauty today, skincare is very important along with makeup and fashion. People pay more attention to natural shine and a healthy glow, making skincare routines a main part of many people’s beauty habits. There are many different products available in the skincare market, from cleansers to serums, that work for all types of skin and problems. Additionally, the growing popularity of clean beauty and sustainability has encouraged users to look for skincare brands that put transparency and environmentally friendly methods at the forefront. Paying attention to skincare is a way for people to take care of their skin’s natural beauty, adding to an overall approach towards beauty and self-care.

Embracing Diversity and Body Positivity

The world of beauty is changing significantly, moving towards embracing all types of bodies and promoting positive body image. This shift challenges the old-fashioned norms about beauty and highlights diversity in many ways. We see more campaigns with models who are not only from different races but also have varying body sizes and abilities, showing a broader view of what beauty means. Additionally, there has been an increase in projects that support self-approval and confidence in one’s own body type. These push people to love themselves as they are while rejecting unattainable standards shown by the media industry.

In conclusion, the current understanding of beauty is complex and always changing. It is affected by various factors, from cultural rules to personal tastes. As time goes on, it becomes more important to accept different kinds of beauty, creating a vision where everyone feels included and empowered by their own unique sense of attractiveness.



QUEERGURU’s Lifestyle Editor PETER MINKOFF is a gay health and lifestyle writer at QUEER VOICES magazine. Besides writing, he worked as a freelance fashion stylist in Europe and Australia. A true craft beer and soy latte aficionado, he loves spending his days at the beach and visiting second-hand stores on a daily basis. Follow Peter on TWITTER for more tips.


Posted by queerguru  at  07:46


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