

The one thing the members of the Club definitely don’t talk about is Geography. They are group of closeted gay high school students who don’t want anyone to know the true purpose of their meetings. There are only three members to start but when Min, a rather bossy bi-sexual, inadvertently catches her friend Russell kissing … Continue reading


Nothing is ever what you expect it to be in the movies. None more so in this new one by edgy Canadian writer/director Bruce La Bruce whose art films usually cross over to pornography on some level. Given the combination of La Bruce’s reputation and the controversial subject matter, this one started out against all … Continue reading


Sometimes I sit through excruciatingly painful boring movies so that you don’t have too.  To be totally honest I will ‘fess up that I don’t do this deliberately, but it’s just the downside of trying to want to push the envelope with my viewing choices. The blurb from Miami International Film Fest Schedule ‘a portrait … Continue reading

Get Duked : an hilarious teen stoner comedy

  If as a lad you grew up in the UK ….or Australia … them there is a very good chance that the whole idea of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme horrified you.  Especially if you were an urban kid used to life’s small comforts. HM The Queen’s husband with his long Navy career … Continue reading

Get Out

  Horror movies are not something you will find reviewed on these pages very often at all as frankly it is a  movie genre we loathe and tend to avoid them as often as we can.  We did naturally have to make an exception for Jordan Peele’s ‘Get Out’ which we have been extremely curious … Continue reading

Posted by queerguru  at  07:26


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