Wednesday, July 17th, 2024

Queerguru does the’ time warp’ at The 50th Anniversary of THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW at Provincetown Theater



Photos Bob Tucker/Focal Point


The Rocky Horror Picture Show ★★★★★
The Provincetown Theater 

Before the 50th Anniversary production of The Rocky Horror Picture Show musical started at the Provincetown Theater, the director David Drake asked if there were any ‘Rocky’ virgins in the audience.  Unsurprisingly only 3 or 4 people, raised their hands , as every single year since the Show premiered in London, it has been produced somewhere around the the globe.  Interestingly enough the only hiccup in its unparalleled success was its NY Premiere where It  closed after 45 performances!

This cult classic was written by an out-of-work British/New Zealand actor Richard O’Brien who wanted to somehow share his passion for science fiction and B horror movies.  He wove elements of  their  unintentional humor with  portentous dialogue of schlock-horror, Steve Reeves muscle films, and fifties rock and roll.  O’Brien has said that it was important to him to set it against the backdrop of the glam era that had reshaped the London culture scene at the time. 

Queer audiences around the globe immediately adopted the show not only because the outrageous campness of the performers/performances, but also there was this major theme of transvestism.   This after all was a mere few years after homosexuality had finally been  legalized in the UK and the British LGBTQ+ community was still struggling for real acceptance  

The story centers around a strait-laced newly engaged  couple Brad (Zack Johnson) and Janet (Madison Mayer) who have left the city one rainy nght to go visit Dr. Everett Scott (Alex Sesenton), their former science tutor.  When on a deserted road their car has a flat tire and they are forced to abandon  it to go seek help. The only place they can find is a grotesque looking castle, but having no other option they knock on the door hoping to be able to use their phone. 

The door is opened by Riff Raff (Loren Lee) the hunchbacked handyman and live-in butler and his sister Magenta (Hilarie Tamar) the maid.  Even when  they speak briefly of an unlucky delivery boy named Eddie who fell victim to unfortunate circumstances because he botched a delivery, Brad and Janet still have no idea how weird this night is going to get.

When they do try to leave but they are  stopped when Dr Frank-N-Furter (Boy Radio)  a mad cross-dressing mad scientist who is the castle’s owner He introduces himself as “a sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania”  who  announces that he has discovered the secret to life itself.  He has created a blond, well-built man named Rocky. (Evan Montgomery)  who he now brings  to life.

Rocky Horror is such a great piece of ensemble theater and every part has been so  very well cast but there are are inevitable some star stealing -performances in their midst.  Like the  dramatic  entrance of the  6 ‘ 5″ scantilly clad Boy Radio as the mad Dr Frank’n Furter  an inspired choice for someone to follow in the great Tim Curry‘s (very high platform) shoes.  Zack Johnson’s beautiful powerful  voice is so perfect especially for ‘Once In a While’  ballad which had us on the edge of our seats.  And then in the 2nd act the scene stealer is  unquestionably Alex Sesenton as Dr Scott

We would also want  to heap praise on Musical Director/Narrator John Thomas (who we think must have several doubles as he is seemingly everywhere there is music in this town); Ellen Rousseau for the simple, but brilliant set, plus to the whole team who designed and made the  totally fabulous costumes

OBrien’s rather outrageous fantasy has not only survived the passing of time but in the hands of Drake and his creative team and their vivid  imaginations, have sometimes made this such a contemporary piece.  In fact the whole issue of transsexualiam and crossing dressing  makes it even more relevant in this present politucal climates.  

Its on until Sept  5th” you’ll kick yourself  if you miss it.




ROGER WALKER-DACK Creator, Editor-in-Chief Miami Beach, FL / Provincetown, MA IG @QUEERGURU  Member of G.A.L.E.C.A. (Gay & Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association)  and NLGJA The Association of LGBT Journalists.  and The Online Film Critics Society. Ex Contributing Editor The Gay Uk & Contributor Edge Media Former CEO and Menswear Designer of  Roger Dack Ltd in the UK

Posted by queerguru  at  11:51


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