Generations of queer people from small villages and towns across the world have migrated to larger cities, looking for a more accepting community, more fun, better choice of partners and better career and cultural options. The same decision-making process, of course, applies to many straight people. But what if you’re queer and love … Continue reading
The Bus Driver is short documentary film produced by The Scottish Documentary Institute and directed by Ku Ki. Released in May 2024, it follows a day in the life of a trans bus driver and his wife as they try to make a living in a country beset by curfews and power cuts. … Continue reading
In the back streets of Manila amidst a vibrant transsexual community Dorina who is known as the ‘Doc’, is the purveyor of quick fix beauty enhancements. In a culture obsessed with looks and glamour this ex-entertainer provides the necessary collagen implants so that the ‘lady-birds’ can be transformed into a replica of their favorite female … Continue reading
There are all sorts of ‘Romeos’ in this very innovative and somewhat daring tale about gender identity that is about how very tough it can be just being one’s self. The setting is a couple of dormitories in Koln, Germany where young adults are based to do a year of social studies. The film … Continue reading
Jeanie Finlay’s simpatico documentary about Freddy McConnell a determined Brit trans man who wants to give birth is a remarkable testament of faith by McConnell in allowing the cameras to film every part of his extraordinary journey. To avoid the story becoming the slightest bit sensationalized McConnell had assembled his own crew to be … Continue reading