Donna is a heart-warming documentary that follows trans activist, performer, and former Cockette, Donna Personna, as she learns, later in life, to live her most authentic trans life and to reconnect with her family as a woman. “This is who I want to be and who I want to show the world” Donna was … Continue reading
Love Jamie is a heartfelt documentary short, profiling the life and work of incarcerated 64-year-old Mexican-American trans-woman artist Jamie Diaz, and her close relationship with pen-pal Gabriel Joffe. We follow the pair as they prepare for Diaz’s first solo art exhibition, ‘Even Flowers Bleed’ shown at Daniel Cooney Fine Art in New York. … Continue reading
Monica is an intense, touching drama about end-of-life family reconciliation. Monica (Trace Lysette) is a glamorous thirty-something, red convertible car-driving, long auburn-haired woman living in California, having left her rural mid-Western roots behind. She works as a masseuse and an online sex worker. She’s cool and guarded, and lives a fairly singular … Continue reading
“I don’t want to be free of you. I want you to be free.” cries Shervin Ramezan’s sympathetic father as the family discusses the possibility of 16-year-old Shervin moving abroad to transition to a man in a more hospitable environment than Iran. Saeed Gholipour’s moving documentary, This Is Not Me, follows Shervin and fellow … Continue reading
The debate around the inclusion of trans women athletes into cis women’s sporting categories has raged strong for several years. The various sports governing bodies around the world are trying their best to come up with workable solutions that demonstrate compassion, integrity and fairness to all athletes. Empirical data on the strength of … Continue reading