This 2006 Swedish film is based on a real-life hate crime story that happened nine years earlier. It started with the unlikely relationship between Peter Mårten Klingberg a conservative Swedish engineer who ran his family’s old established business, and Nassim Pjotr Giro a free spirited Algerian immigrant who occasionally worked as a waiter and dreamed on moving to Paris … Continue reading
Swedish filmmaker Mårten Klingberg’s drama makes the act of transitioning for a 60 year old priest, married father of two, seem like a walk in the park even in this sleepy country town where the biggest event to happen is the Annual Potato Festival. Klingberg who adapted his story from a memoir but … Continue reading
27th-year-old Willam Spetz made his name in his native Sweden as a TikTok star but now he has created, written, and starred in TORE a superb quirky queer drama that is shockingly good. He plays the lead character who is awkwardly closeted and in the very first episode is left orphaned when his … Continue reading
At Queerguru we can’t just give you all steak and sizzle. Sometimes it’s our duty to ensure that you are getting a varied diet. Occasionally we need to give you a little milk and cookies. This time it’s in the form of the family-friendly Swedish rom-com Mini Zlatan and Uncle Darling, told from the perspective … Continue reading
Do interesting ideas make for interesting movies? It’s a tough question and the easy way out for a PR person to tackle this kind of film is to dial up any hint of controversy in the hope that it gets bums on seats in theatres . Then, fingers crossed, the movie will have a … Continue reading